Scripts com características correspondentes são:
Change the mouse. Introduce the topic name and change mouse
change-wallpaper. Wallpaper puts an image at random.
create xml background. Create an xml file, a directory, and makes the revolving fund.
Picture wallpaper. Select an image or xml file as wallpaper. | Download image Nasay Day puts as wallpaper.
Video Wallpaper. Puts a video or screensaver (xscreensaver) as wallpaper.
GravaçõesCreate ISO. Create an iso image.
ISO Mount. Mount an iso image.
Mount ISO one. Dismantle an iso.
Open with gedit. Opens a file with the text editor.
Open with gedit (as root). Opens a file with the text editor with administrator privileges.
Encrypt-Decrypt. To encrypt and decrypt files using openssl and AES.
Browse as root. Opens a directory with administrator permissions.
Make Executable. Give permissions to a file to run it.
Split File. Divide a file into several parts.
to UTF8. Change the character encoding to utf-8.
to ISO8859-15. Change the character encoding to iso-8859.
Movendo arquivosMove to Downloads
Move Documents
Move to Pictures
Music move
Move Videos
Move to ... Move a file to the destination directory
Copiar arquivosCopy to Downloads
Copy to Documents
Copy to Images
Copy to Music
Copy to Videos
Copy to ... Copy a file to the destination directory
MultimediaAudio files converter. Allows converting audio files. Dependencies: zenity, awn, mplayer, lame, vorbis tools, id3tag, musepack-tools, flac, mac, faac, faad
Extract mp3. It can extract audio track from a video in mp3 format.
Sub Mov. Allows caption a video, so it is necessary to select an avi video and srt file to subtitle.
Subtitling. Add subtitles to all videos in a folder if you have the srt subtitle file with the same name.
video2gif. Convert a video into a gif format image.
Video Converter. It allows converting multiple video format.
* Vídeo_convert_simple. Allows to convert avi to DVD format.
Add to Playlist (totem). Add track to playlist totem.
mplayer. Simple player.
Radio. Select a radio station web via a customized list of radios to listen. You need to modify this script to work because the situation has changed scripts. We can listen music with mplayer directory in which we indicate the directory, or all of the music that is in the ~ / Music, shuffle mode, or normal.
Imagem-Contrast. Reduce contrast.
+ Contrast. Increase Contrast.
flip. Flips an image vertically.
flop. Flips an image horizontally.
gamma 1.4. Corrects the gamma level.
grigio. Converts gray tone image.
rotate -90. Rotates the image 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
rotate +90. Rotates the image 90 degrees in the direction of clockwise.
trim. Removes the edge of the image.
Image Converter. Convert to different image formats, bmp, png, gif, tif
* Scale Image. Scale an image to the specified size.
Scale Image To Sizes. Scale an image to various sizes offered.
Compress PDF. Reduces the size of a PDF file.
Nautilus PDF Tools. PDF manipulation tool that uses PDFTK.
Pdfjoin. Lets unite pdf files.
Photo Converter. Complex image converter. Python web browser.
Downlader link. Directly download links.
Upload To YouTube. To upload videos to youtube.
YouTube-DL. Just to enter the link and download the video with its original title.
YouTube-DL (cc). Option to download video, or video and subtitle file, close-caption from youtube.
youtube-songs. Download the video to extract audio and retain only the audio.
OutrosTurnOff. Turns off the computer.
saytime. Says the date and time.
Em princípio, só baixar o arquivo e descompacte-o para o diretório:
Deve ser suficiente.
No entanto, uma vez que este se destina a ser executado a partir do diretório ~ / .gnome2 / nautilus-scripts, algumas ferramentas não funcionam e precisam de personalizá-los. Eu também notei alguns erros, por exemplo, processamento de imagem, onde se o nome do arquivo contém espaços não funciona. Você precisa editar o script e substituir $ 1 "$ 1".
Dependências e outras mudanças
Em alguns scripts precisa especificar o caminho correto para os arquivos, ou colocar o nome que corresponde a sua pasta de usuário:
Customize / .cambiar_el_mouse. At line 11 and 21, column 12, file, you must change whoami by your username. To find out your username launch the command: whoami, and change where whoami by the name that appears.
Customize /, line 113. Where / home / pc the path to the user folder / home / yourusername /. And create a directory to save the pictures today. ~ / Pictures / Nasa_Wallpapers, you can change it if you want.
Customize / change-wallpaper, line 28 and 29. the path to the folder of images you want, currently ~ / Pictures. And the path to "random-file" (where it aside), now: ~ / .gnome2/nautilus-scripts/Personalizar/.randomer-file/bin / random-file. If the online indíquenlo move 29, it depends. Where indicated the path can not contain spaces, I tried several ways but did not recognize the route.
DependenciasFor multimedia, mplayer, mencoder, ffmpeg
For (Upload To YouTube), python-wxgtk2.8, python-wxtools, wx2.8-i18n, wget, xterm, python-gdata, python-wxGlade, GoogleCL
To, webkit
To YouTube.DL, youtube-dl
For video-wallpaper, xscreensaver
To saytime, festival
Independentemente das observações na seção sobre a instalação e dependências, e pode levar a qualquer dos scripts não funcionam, indicam que eles são uma fonte de inspiração no sentido de que você pode orientar a criação ou personalizar esses scripts para tarefas rotineiras mais simples e confortável.
Se até agora você ainda não criou seus próprios scripts, eu recomendo que você dê uma olhada neste repertório interessante compilado por
Rodrigo Esteves (baisart), eu tenho certeza que pode ser muito útil.